Rolling Contact Fatigue Crack
Multifunctional hand-operated rolling contact fatigue crack (HC) measuring device
The HCscan MF is a compact, handheld instrument using the eddy current measuring principle, ideal for HeadCheck inspection of railway rails (rail and frog materials)
Besides general eddy current functions, it measures the thickness of non-magnetizable coatings and the conductivity of non-ferromagnetic materials
It can inspect rail sections with up to 500 cracks per meter
The measurement results are displayed both graphically and numerically on a 7" touch screen
The device features built-in batteries but it can also be powered externally
The stored measurement data can be accessed via a PC download program using a Bluetooth, USB, or Ethernet connection
Data can be exported to MS Office-compatible spreadsheets
HCscan HD, handy unit with choosable calibrations and materials with digital display for 500 crack/meter
The device is able to measure small rolling contact fatigue cracks with its hand-operated probe, and it can also check the grinding activity that corrects these cracks
HC damage depth display with 0,01 mm resolution
HCscan HC has four calibration for different Rail & Frog materials
Graphical and digital display
The measuring results can be saved onto an SD card
The measuring probe has special ceramic sliding surface with extended life span
Hand-operated rolling contact fatigue crack (HC) measuring device
The device is able to measure small rolling contact fatigue cracks with its hand-operated probe, and it can also check the grinding activity that corrects these cracks
HC damage depth display with 0,1 mm resolution
HCscan Rail & Frog is capable of measuring on manganese alloyed steels (e.g. frogs) as well
Option: Bluetooth connection and software for displaying the measuring results on time-based graphs on devices with Android (smart phones)
HCScan Dual
2 channel rolling contact fatigue crack (HC) measuring device
It is suitable for examining rolling contact fatigue cracks on the rail surface gauge corner
It has two eddy current probes for scanning the rail surface to be examined. The probes can be preset in four different positions
Data measured in distance function are displayed in real time on time diagram and on vector diagram as well
HCscan Dual Rail & Frog is capable of measuring on manganese alloyed steels (e.g. frogs) as well
The results appear on the portable computer via wireless connection
4 channel rolling contact fatigue crack (HC) measuring device
It is suitable for examining rolling contact fatigue cracks by scanning the rail surface under eddy current measuring principle
Its 4 probes can be set in measuring position on the entire surface of the rail-wheel connection. The positions of the probes are changeable
20 different positions of the probes are available
Data measured in distance function are displayed in real time on time diagram and on vector diagram as well
GF-04 Rail & Frog is capable of measuring on manganese alloyed steels (e.g. frogs) as well
Evaluating measuring results and printing protocols can be done by the office’s program
8 channel rolling contact fatigue crack (HC) measuring device
It is suitable for examining rolling contact fatigue cracks by scanning the rail surface under eddy current measuring principle
Its 4 probes per rail can be set in measuring position on the entire surface of the rail-wheel connection. The positions of the probes are changeable
20 different positions of the probes are available
Data measured in distance function are displayed in real time on time diagram and on vector diagram as well
GF-08 Rail & Frog is capable of measuring on manganese alloyed steels (e.g. frogs) as well
Evaluating measuring results and printing protocols can be done by the office’s program
20 Channel Rolling Contact Fatigue Crack (HC) Measuring Device
It enables you to measure the rolling contact fatigue cracks on both rails simultaneously, by the eddy current principle.
The device has 10 probes per rail, so a measurement needs only one pass, according to the EN 16729 standard.
Measurement data is displayed in real-time as a function of distance or as vector diagrams.
Evaluating measuring results and printing protocols can be done automatically with the software.
The software also enables the application of several user experiences during the evaluation.
The device contains several built-in comfort and safety features.​
8 channel rolling contact fatigue crack (HC) measuring device on rail grinder
It is suitable for examining rolling contact fatigue cracks by scanning the rail surface under eddy current measuring principle
It has 4 measuring probes per rail
The measuring positions of the probes are predefined, they cannot be modified.
Data measured in distance function are displayed during grinding process in real time on time diagram
Evaluating measuring results and printing protocols can be done by the office’s program
The measuring unit is moved by pneumatic system.
Trailed 8 channel rolling contact fatigue crack (HC) measuring device
It is suitable for examining rolling contact fatigue cracks by scanning the rail surface under eddy current measuring principle
Its 4 probes per rail can be set in measuring position on the entire surface of the rail-wheel connection.
The probes can be set in 20 different positions
Data measured in distance function are displayed in real time on time diagram
The measuring speed is up to 15km/h
Evaluating measuring results and printing protocols can be done by the office’s program
The measuring unit is moved by pneumatic system